
“Lights…Camera…Action” comes to BTEC

Published July 11, 2012

Aveta LifesciencesNorth Carolina State University’s Golden LEAF Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC) and Aveta Lifesciences-usa (Aveta) have signed a collaborative training agreement to enhance development and delivery of quality training courses to the biomanufacturing industry.  BTEC will produce videos of hands-on laboratory activities, and these videos will be further developed by Aveta for use in its online courses, which were launched on July 4, 2012, to the Indian market. BTEC will use the videos to supplement its existing curricula.

Aveta Lifesciences-usa is part of Pharmaceutical Integrators, LLC, a North Carolina company that was founded in 2005. Aveta Lifesciences-usa and its alliance partner in India, Aveta Lifesciences, Pvt. Ltd., provide strategic, technical, GMP and regulatory guidance to U.S., Indian and global pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies.

As part of the collaboration, the strategic partners will evaluate additional opportunities for distance education, including BTEC’s ability to deliver its curricula to current and future biomanufacturing employees outside the Research Triangle Park area.  

Contact information

For more information, please contact one of the following individuals.

Rick Lawless
Assistant Director, Bioprocess Services
Golden LEAF Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC)
Phone: +1.919.515.8526

Aveta Lifesciences USAWarford Reaney
Principal Consultant
Aveta Lifesciences - USA
Phone (US): +1.408.569.1289
Phone (India): +91.99082.24291